To The One Who Left

Varsha Sivaramakrishnan
2 min readMar 31, 2021

Do you miss me? Do you miss our late night conversations? Our movie nights? Our impulsive weekend trips? Because I do and I know you don’t. And it’s fine. Believe me, it’s fine. Some things are meant to end the way they do. Isn’t that what you said? But it still hurts when I think about that day. You could have waited, but you didn’t. I could have told you to wait, but I didn’t. I hoped my eyes would deceive my words, but they didn’t. You know, I still visit that cafe sometimes and order our usual. I still look at the lilies growing outside your house. Yes I still go to your house, but I don’t see you. A kind, old lady lives there who patiently listened to my pain. I visit her every weekend now. I still walk by the beach. The small, gentle waves caress my feet, trying to console me. The salty air flows around me, hugging and soothing me. I still try watching all the stupid movies you told me to watch. A little late I know. I still go to the bookstore where I met you, shuffling through the pages, trying to find answers. They say time heals you, but it’s been 2 years now. Everything has changed but somehow nothing has changed. I still feel your presence around me. Am I going crazy? I don’t know, maybe. I knew the movies and books were lying but deep inside I believed them. How foolish of me. But such is the human heart, isn’t it?. It keeps breaking and heals only to be broken again.

